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11. - 17. JULY 2022

Rock on
Alexandre Valls on the 24m jump

Brezplačen vstop od 18:00 za
ogled Big line sessiona in večerno druženje

Pridruži se Flat Out Daysu in ustvari nepozabne spomine s svojimi prijatelji.

"This year Flat out days was so good. I think it really shows what happens when you take ideas for improvement from the year before and you’re willing to put in all the hard work to make it happen."

CJ Selig

"The main thing I get here is the riding, it’s insane. You know the vibes and everything, and that’s what I bring with me back home."

Bienvenido Aguado

"We had a super good week in Slovenia and I hope I can come back next year for more of this."

Olivier Cuvet

"After the first run it felt like your local dirt jump spot and we had so many sessions that I’ve lost count."

Iven Ebener

"The crew of riders was really awesome, we really supported each other, some big tricks were there and the parties,... they were insane."

Viktor Novak

Dogajanje leta 2021

Oglej si Aftermovie in Big line session video.

Kaj početi na festivalu?

Oglej is kaj vse se dogaja na festivalu cel teden.

Ogled Big line sessiona

For a whole week invited riders have sessions on big jumps. It’s all about good times, supporting and cheering for the riders.

Find out more
Ogled Big line sessiona
Furaj v parku

Furaj v parku

Festival se odvija v MTB trail center Kočevje, kjer imajo 15km naravnih in freeride trailov, ter ostale infrastrukture primerne za začetnike in napredne kolesarje.

Pridi na traile

Sodeluj na aktivnostih

Besides watching the Big line session, there are a lot of activities during the day all week. You can participate in activities that include bikes or something in the spirit of summer.

Preveri aktivnosti
Sodeluj na aktivnostih
Sodeluj na aktivnostih

Uživaj ob jezeru

Nahaja se le kratko vožnjo s kolesom od festivalskega prostora in je odlično za ohladitev na vroč dan.

Gremo plavat
Alexandre Valls on the 24m jump

Se vidimo na festivalu

Pridi za cel teden ali pa za en dan, v vsakem primeru boš del Flat Out Daysov.

Naši predani podporniki

Adidas Fiveten
Batt Crew
Loose Riders
Green Gold Brewing


Urban Roof
Loose Riders Slovenia
K Audio